Product Designs


There was once a time when products were expected to do two things and two things only – work and last.    Today, however, customers expect more from products than mere functionality.

Consider a product as functional as a Dyson vacuum cleaner or an Apple iPhone and ask yourself what role the mere appearance of these products plays in their powers of attraction.  To be sure, there are many reasons consumers are willing to pay significantly above the average market price of competing brands to acquire these products.  But there can be no question that aesthetic quality plays a major role in that decision, if not for the fact that things of beauty are desirable in and of themselves, then certainly because a quality look often signals a quality product.

It may surprise you to understand just how broad the scope of registered design protection really is.  Take automobiles an example.  You may assume, rightly, that the shape of an exceptionally beautiful sports car could be the subject of protection.  What you may not know is that automobile manufacturers can – and often do – file dozens of registered design applications in connection with a single model.  Headlamps, side-mirrors, spoilers, seats – even the shape of a gearstick could be the subject of a registered design.

You may just be surprised at what aspects of your product, or for that matter the frontend of your online service, satisfy the legal tests of novelty and individual character.  Lest you assume that design protection only applies to three-dimensional shapes, two-dimensional ornamentation such as t-shirt patterns, or even the homepage of your company website can also be the subject of a registered design.

We outsource professionals to design the subject of your registered design.  In order to elicit maximum protection from a registered design, it is necessary to highlight the elements of the design that can be protected.  This requires the hand of professional designers, with whom we work to ensure the best possible service.  This does come with a premium and rates vary depending on the complexity of the design and, as such, is entirely optional.  We also offer reduced rates on multiple straightforward design filings.

Our services include:


Drafting and filing of design applications before the Maltese Industrial Property Registrations Directorate and the European Union Intellectual Property Office


Soliciting specialised services for the purpose of replicating a design following our guidance, to ensure a format that guarantees maximum legal protection.


Preliminary design searches


Design enforcement and litigation