

A profitable business idea is rare enough.  But a scalable business is a miraculous thing to watch unfold.  When it comes to achieving scalability, the modern franchise is as close as one can come to achieving The Midas Touch.  Franchising is by far the most successful legal mechanism humanity has devised for leveraging intellectual property.  Owing in no small part to a system of international trade agreements administered by the WTO, modern-day franchises are capable of achieving global coverage with relatively low capital expenditure.

The ability to successfully deploy a franchise represents a quantum leap in the development of a business.  From a business perspective, franchising requires a business model elegant enough, and a brand powerful enough, that otherwise perfect strangers would be willing to assume the business risk of propagating your business for you.  From a legal point of view, the path to a successful franchise is defined by careful management of intellectual property rights, not just at the point that the franchise is created, but from the moment of inception of your business.

At the heart of this marvel of commerce lies the franchise agreement – a single contract template which will ultimately define how long your orchard will continue to bear fruit after the seeds of your business have been planted across the world.  The primary focus of every successful franchise is a commitment to brand integrity, for there are few things more destructive to a brand than an unbridled licensee.

Whatever the nature of your business, we will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to ensure that the integrity of your intellectual property is maintained wherever your flag is planted.